🔭 Vision

To inspire, grow and share together

🧭 Missions

1 - Self- Management by energising initiatives and taking individual and collective conscious responsibility

2 - Safely Expressing Vulnerability by nurturing a space of honesty, trust and communication without judgement

3 - Creating Opportunities by empowering people to bridge their career aspirations and being a place for developing skills

4 - Connecting to Ourselves by encouraging each other to tune in and listen to body, mind, spirit and shadow

5 - Showing Reliable Alternatives by promoting economical, social, environmental and cultural sustainability through concrete applications.

⚖️ Values


We work and live together with a dynamic based on sharing, love, respect and understanding for each other


We use art and non-formal methods to find new and different solutions to problems


We live off-grid and consider our ecological footprint to reduce our impact on the planet

We believe that we can create a more just and sustainable world, right here, right now. Through creative collaboration, sharing, and sustainable off-grid living, we are building towards an eco-friendly future of equality and human connection.