A “Role” is an organizational construct that a person can fill and then energise on behalf of the Organization. A Role definition consists of a descriptive name and one or more of the following:

A Role may also hold “Policies”, which are grants or constraints of authority, or special rules that apply within that Role.

<aside> 💡 2Telegram groups: Please only add yourself to the telegram groups of roles that you actually have.


Catfarm Roles

1.2 Role Assignment

A Role may control which person fills another Role through a Domain of Role assignment for that Role. Anyone controlling such a Domain may assign the target Role to anyone willing to fill it, including to several people simultaneously. Whoever fills a Role becomes its "Role Lead". A Role Lead may later resign from filling the Role at any time, unless they’ve agreed otherwise. Whoever controls the assignment may also remove a Role Lead from filling the Role at any time. A Policy may further constrain Role assignments or removals.

1.2.1 Default Assignment

When a Role is unfilled, anyone who controls the assignment is automatically considered a Role Lead of the unfilled Role as well.

When a Role is filled but not by anyone who is a Partner of the Organization, then any Partner who controls the assignment is automatically considered a Role Lead of that Role as well. However, this default assignment only applies to the extent that the non-Partners assigned to the Role are not actively fulfilling the relevant responsibilities and duties.

1.2.2 Focusing an Assignment

A Role assigner may focus an assignment on only a specific area or context, if all elements in the Role definition are still relevant within that focus. When a focus is used, each assignment focus is treated like an entirely separate Role, and the Role's Purpose, Accountabilities, and Domains apply only within the focus specified for each assignment.

1.3 Responsibilities of Role-Filling

When filling a Role, you have the following responsibilities:

1.3.1 Processing Tensions

You are responsible for comparing the actual expression of your Role’s Purpose and Accountabilities to your vision of their ideal potential, to identify gaps between the two (each gap is a “Tension”). You are then responsible for trying to resolve those Tensions.

1.3.2 Processing Purpose & Accountabilities

You are responsible for regularly considering how to enact your Role's Purpose and each Accountability, by defining: